J.D Robb
The In Death series begins in the year 2058 with the first book, Naked in Death. Each book follows the life of Lieutenant Eve Dallas, who works as a homicide detective for the NYPSD; Roarke, a gorgeous Irish billionaire who makes a place for himself in Eve’s life and heart, and an array of secondary characters that are just as amazing and endearing as the protagonists. In the beginning of the series, Eve is a bit of a loner, and the only people she has allowed close is her roommate Mavis and her former partner, Captain Feeney. But even they don’t know Eve as well as they think. It isn’t until a devastating and mysterious Irish billionaire, known only as Roarke steps into her life and changes everything.
Each book brings about a new homicide case for Eve to solve and unravels pieces of Eve’s past. At the age eight, Eve was found in an alley in Dallas, Texas, covered in blood and no memory of who she was or what happened. In each book, she begins to remember things that happened in her childhood, things that shape her, that made Eve the person she is. She is a homicide detective who stands for the dead in the truest sense. Her inability to be able to stop the crime before it happens makes her see the dead as people who she will fight for, to find their murderer, to bring them to justice. She is also one of the best at what she does and continually puts her own life in danger to do what’s right. To top it all off, she is a total badass. The type of person that in real life, in any situation, you would totally want by your side.
Forty books and I have continued to love this series more and more. It is an automatic pre-order the moment I know the next book is releasing. Every character brings more to the book. Peabody, McNab, Dr. Mira, Feeney, Summerset, even Galahad the cat adds so much depth and so many layers. These aren’t characters in a book anymore. These are family members I get to visit two or three times a year when a book comes out. If you’ve never read this series, this is my number one pick.
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/list/17065.J_D_Robb
Amazon Series Page: http://amzn.to/1PqBYdN
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