Genres: Bodyguard, Contemporary Romance, Romance

My story isn’t unique.
Isn’t rare.
Which is, I guess, what makes it so sad.
The story about a girl who falls in love with the wrong man, lured by tender gazes, devoted promises and gentle touches. The gentle touches disappear and she’s held captive with ugly insults and brutal beatings.
It’s common, this story. My past.
I can’t change the past.
I wouldn’t even if I could.
The ugliness of my past gave me a future worth living for.
Worth dying for.
It gave me a reason to fight. To escape.
That was my mistake. Thinking girls like me could have a choice.
I wasn’t given many promises in my life that weren’t broken, but chaos is a constant promise, always kept, never broken.
He comes amongst the chaos. Amongst the ugly.
He doesn’t promise a way out. He definitely doesn’t promise peace. But he gives me the opportunity for a different ending to my story.*ARC provided by Wildfire Marketing Solutions in exchange for an honest review*
Le sigh. What is it about a tough, broody, alpha hero that makes one swoon and yet at the same time, want to hit him over the head for being oh so stubborn?! Anne Malcolm does a great job of making you love the hero while also making you want to take a mallet to their hard heads. Lance is no exception. A bodyguard who works for Greenstone Security, he is there when a mother desperately asks for help in locating her kidnapped son by her abusive husband. Elena knocks him for a loop and his team immediately gets to action in order to save Nathan. It takes one look at Lance holding her son’s hand and calling him Captain America that makes Elena’s heart thump for a whole other reason. But their troubles are far from over and while she may have her son back, Lance isn’t willing to let them out of his sight.
“You got a nice laugh, baby,” he murmured. I tried not to swoon at the term of endearment that he’d been using for the past week. “Gonna have to make sure I figure out how to hear it every day,” he continued, making not swooning impossible.
Elena’s ex is not giving up without a fight and as the danger to her and Nathan increases, the Greenstone security takes them under her wing to keep them safe, with Lance doing bodyguard duty, up close and personal. Lance is an alpha to the max but beneath that is a very broken guy who loved and lost. Slowly, Elena and Nathan chip away at his defenses and show him how to love again. But as they get under his skin, he pushes the potential for happiness away, not believing that he is worthy of their love.
“You taught me how to be… something more than I was,” he murmured. “Something more than I thought I was capable of. I’m not worthy of you, of Nathan. But I’ll protect you from hurt, from everything I can. And everything I can’t protect you from, I’ll be there.”
Gah, I love the broken alpha hero but Lance is so stubborn in trying to grasp at happiness. But when you finally get his story, you can’t help but feel for the guy. And when Elena starts sharing everything she’s gone through to try and protect herself and her son, my heart hurt. You can’t help but feel deeply for these characters.
He wasn’t going to make love to me like a hero. He was going to fuck like a villain. Despite what I should want, what should have kept made me feel safe in my first sexual experience since Robert, I wanted exactly that. I wanted the villain. And that’s what I got.
I loved every second of this book. I love the Greenstone family and getting to see characters from the other books. I loved Nathan’s spunk and sweetness, Lance’s grumpiness and Elena’s heart. Four stars and can’t wait for the next one in the series.
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