Genres: Contemporary, Contemporary Romance, Romance

Hot on the heels of her beloved Marriage to a Billionaire novels, New York Times bestselling author Jennifer Probst nails it with the first in an all-new sexy romance series featuring red-hot contractor siblings who give the Property Brothers a run for their money!
Ever the responsible eldest brother, Caleb Pierce started working for his father’s luxury contracting business at a young age, dreaming of one day sitting in the boss’s chair. But his father’s will throws a wrench in his plans by stipulating that Caleb share control of the family business with his two estranged brothers.
Things only get more complicated when demanding high-end home designer Morgan hires Caleb to build her a customized dream house that matches her specifications to a T—or she’ll use her powerful connections to poison the Pierce brothers’ reputation. Not one to ignore a challenge, Caleb vows to get the job done—if only he can stop getting distracted by his new client’s perfect…amenities.
But there’s more to icy Morgan than meets the eye. And Caleb’s not the only one who knows how to use a stud-finder. In fact, Morgan is pretty sure she’s found hers—and he looks quite enticing in a hard hat. As sparks fly between Morgan and Caleb despite his best intentions not to mix business and pleasure, will she finally warm up and help him lay the foundation for everlasting love?
*ARC received by publisher in exchange for an honest review*
3.5 Stars
Everywhere and Every Way is the first book in the Pierce Brothers series about three estranged brothers who have been left their father’s company in his will and are forced to work together or see the company taken from them. With the company on the line, they team up with Morgan (a designer) to build a home for a powerhouse Hollywood couple, hoping that this will be their ticket. But these three just have to enter a room before they’re squabbling like old ladies over everything. With the help of Morgan, these three must band together to rebuild, not only the company, but their relationship.
It saddens me to say that while I loved the concept of the book (I love HGTV and Property Brothers so I thought this book was going to be made for me), I struggled getting into it. I really only started liking the characters when I got about 70% in, which is difficult for me to say. I’m a huge Jennifer Probst fan but I just couldn’t seem to connect with the characters until I was so far into the book. The brothers constant arguing just got so annoying as they kept rehashing the same issues over and over again. I found myself skimming some parts because I didn’t want to deal with it and then forcing myself to go back and actually read it. And I really didn’t like Morgan at first because she was very manipulative and I just couldn’t feel any desire for Cal and her to have a relationship. They butted heads over everything and, (sounding repetitive), it got so annoying. Once I pushed past all of that and they got past their own issues with one another, I got to settle into the book and really got a feel for everyone and Tristan and Dalton’s future love interests made me excited to read the next books. There are some funny parts in the scuffle I had. Morgan ogling Cal’s sweaty chest and describing, in detail, every nook and delectable crevice, had me swooning. I may have reread that part a time or two.
I really am looking forward to reading the next two books because the brothers finally connected and feel like a family. This one just didn’t do a lot for me.
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